Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What are the symptoms of Cellulite?

Are YOU tired to find out what are the causes and symptoms of cellulite? Here are the symptoms you need to know and tips for avoiding cellulite…

Myth describes cellulite as a full of fat a like. It’s a cottage cheese, which is actually caused by the sporadic connection between the skin and the muscle. Cellulite is dimply skin caused by uneven fat deposits beneath the surface. It can be affected by hormones, circulation, and skin thickness and to some degree diet and exercise. Pretty much all women have some cellulite, even very thin ones.

Cellulite is a common, potentially serious bacterial skin infection. Cellulite appears as a swollen, red area of skin that feels hot and tender, and it may spread rapidly. Collagen fibers that connect fat to the skin may stretch, break down, or pull tight, allowing the fat cells to bulge out. This creates the rippled look of cellulite.

Symptoms include a taut and heavy feeling in the affected regions. It generally appears on butt and thighs. Not only a fatty people but also the super skinny people can have this cellulite as it seems that it is somewhat hereditary or hormonal.

When pinched, pressed or strongly massaged, the area becomes quite tender; Majority will be affected of women specially a very fat man. The areas typically include the thigh and gluteal regions, abdomen, nape of the neck, and upper portions of the arms.

There is no physiological difference between cellulite and ordinary fat. The caused is from the fat deposit pushing up between criss-crossed tissue strands under the skin, making it appear bumpy and dimpled rather than smooth on woman’s lower body especially on thighs and ass appears dimples.

Here’s the tips for avoiding cellulite include:

• Exercising regularly to keep muscles toned and bones strong

• Maintaining a healthy weight (no yo-yo dieting)

• Eating a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and fiber

• Staying hydrated with plenty of fluids

• Not smoking

Monday, December 28, 2009

Types Of Cellulite Treatment Creams

When it comes to cellulite treatment creams there is a shocking amount of products on the market. While there is a growing demand for these products the effectiveness of individual cellulite treatment creams is still not known. Consumers should also keep in mind the fact that cellulite treatment creams are considered cosmetics and not medical treatment so they are not regulated by boards such as the FDA. This means that any claims made by cellulite treatment creams aren’t supported to scientific evidence. However, cellulite treatment creams still remain a viable, quick and inexpensive option to get rid of cellulite for short periods.

Most cellulite treatment creams are applied topically and for a few hours give the illusion that the skin is smoother. However, if you stop applying the cream then the cellulite will return. Although these topical creams are an inexpensive choice when compared to other possible treatments. But this doesn’t mean they are the cheapest option since they are still more expensive than a regular moisturizer. If you do choose to use cellulite treatment creams then you should apply them at night to get the best results since your skin is more permeable at this time. When considering cellulite treatment creams you should consider the following ingredients.

Common Ingredients

Aminophylline is most commonly used in the treatment of asthma to help relax the lungs. However, it is used in many cellulite treatment creams because it is a derivative of the active ingredient theophyllinem which is a muscle relaxant. When using creams with this ingredient you should keep them away from heat sources and use them quickly. It was originally thought that this ingredient broke down fat cells, however studies found that this is not true since it does not enter the bloodstream which means it isn’t able to break down fat cells.

Often Retinoids will be used in wrinkle treatment creams and they are a Vitamin A derivative. In certain concentrations this ingredient can be used to reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles and roughness of the facial skin by improving circulation to the skin. However, there have been no studies to establish the effectiveness of this ingredient against cellulite. It is important to apply these creams at night since retinol can be destroyed when exposed to light.

Another popular ingredient is alpha hydroxy acids which are found in plants and certain foods such as citrus fruits, apples, grapes, tomatoes, apricots and sour milk. These can act of exfoliators in lower concentrations which can help with the removal of superficial dead cells and increase the turnover rate of cells. As with all the other ingredients though there is no studies that can prove the effectiveness of alpha hydroxy acids as a treatment for cellulite.